Our Services

Development of Carbon Free Ammonia Production Plants
Production of hydrogen by steam reforming of fossil resources as methane and coal is highly polluting. (12kg of CO2 for 1kg of H2)
1stNATIV has a successful and proven experience in the development of carbon neutral hydrogen and ammonia production plants with zero emission. The expertise of his high skilled team both in electrical and gas sector as well as a solid knowledge of chemical processes makes 1st NATIV your best partner to complete your project development and implementation and to support the project finance with bankable PPAs for the off-take of the production.
Local regulation and specific safety conditions need to be carefully studied to start developing a cost effective and efficient project. Our team has a proven experience and unique know-how in the project development based on solid credentials related with massive electrolysis production plants.​

Through a Learning-By-Doing approach the team has successfully led and achieved the development of pioneering projects of green hydrogen plant in France.
1stNATIV is assisting industrial and energy companies in proposing the expertise of its chemical and electrical engineers to support and manage the project development of carbon neutral hydrogen and ammonia production plants in the most suitable locations.

Native Carbon Neutral Gas Exploration & Production
Climate change and global warming are the major challenge of our time. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production to rising sea level that increases the risk of catastrophic flooding and rise of temperature, the world has now to seriously reduce the product of burning fossil fuels to decrease the human fingerprint on Greenhouse gases.
1stNATIV is your eco-responsible partner to guide you into exploration and production of neutral gas to support the reduction of CO2 emissions. Based on an innovative approach of gas detection experts in many geological contexts, 1stNATIV proposes a real alternative to synthetic carbon free hydrogen and ammonia production.

Hydrogen can naturally be produced by various processes in the subsurface, mostly coming from water which is separated from oxygen by diagenetic process or by radiolysis.
1stNativ provides you with solutions for exploring native gas to be produced and used for different applications and uses.
Carbon Free Ammonia Gas Turbine (AGT)
The growing demand for electricity in Europe along with the increase of gas price is creating market volatility and concerns about risk of shortage in 2023.
In addition, the political trend in Europe of supporting more renewable energy will require more base load electricity to balance the grid with future added intermittent power generation.
Production of Carbon Free Electricity
(AGT) can achieve high efficiency with heat recovery steam generators as combined cycle power plants of modular units of 120 MW along with an onsite storage tank burning carbon free ammonia to generate carbon neutral electricity.
1stNATIV is your partner to develop such infrastructure project including supply of ammonia based with a long term contract of neutral carbon fuel and PPA with grid operators for electricity production.
The electricity to be produced will be carbon neutral and eligible to a compensation system supporting zero emission energy based on carbon price. This will lower the burden of the purchase cost of ammonia fuel.

Regarding the production of NOx, which is prompted by oxidation of ammonia’s nitrogen component through its combustion, the gas turbine system will combine selective catalytic reduction (SCR) with a newly developed combustor that reduces NOx emissions to zero.
Carbon Free Ammonia Storage & Handling Facilities
Ammonia has the advantage of being an easy-to store and transport liquid.
Less expensive and more energy intensive, ammonia has low costs of shipping including boil-off.
Ammonia is a very concentrated form of nitrogen fertilizer for agricultural crops.
However ammonia can be also the most efficient carbon free fuel for heavy mobility (deep-sea cargos), for carbon neutral electricity production by AGT and for industrial applications using ammonia in their process.
Carbon free ammonia shall be distributed at ports playing the role of hubs to ease the delivery and supply chain.
1stNATIV can assist you in developing Ammonia Storage Facilities and infrastructure with Refrigeration with ease of handling solutions to vessels and ships and for any application or use.
The carbon free Ammonia Storage Facility (ASF) is an industrial terminal dedicated to the storage of carbon free ammonia in the port area, able to offload in a safe and secured automatized way big volumes of ammonia into 3 storage tanks.
Ammonia is stored until needed and at the optimized pressure and temperature required by its physical properties.
The ASF is eligible to a compensation system supporting zero emission energy based on carbon price for the tanks and auxiliary systems.
Shifting Coal Thermal Plants Into Carbon Free Ammonia Process

Coal thermal Power Plants generate 40% of electricity worldwide as the promise of cheap prices has supported firing coal to generate electricity. Looking for reducing environmental impact of the conventional industrial plants (1200t of CO2 /GWh), 1st Nativ is a key partner to assess solutions for shifting coal thermal plants by co-firing coal and carbon free ammonia. Co-firing of 20% ammonia is already in function for large scale commercial plants in Japan and target is to reach 50% by 2024.
1st Nativ is supporting coal thermal plants by assisting them to optimize technical and financial conditions for refurbishing and shifting their industrial process into greener fuel.
1st Nativ Power assists power providers to transition to low CO2 production thanks to minimal modifications and investment of their industrial process.
1st Nativ is supporting the coal thermal plants by proposing long term supply contracts of carbon free ammonia.

Alternative Protein Using Green Hydrogen
War in Ukraine, climate change with high temperatures and heavy rainfalls in addition with a shortage in fertilizer delivery have led to a critical situation breaking the supply chain of bread pasta and cereals. As almost 1/3 of the world’s wheat (50 nations) is supplied by Russia and Ukraine, shortage of wheat is expected by the biggest importers in North Africa including Nigeria.
In addition, there is a significant undersupply of both fish meal and GMO-free soy protein that is needed to make aquaculture feed with $27B Aquaculture Feed market, 6-7 M Tons Fishmeal.
In a unique combination of technologies, 1stNativ is providing a unique solution to support the development of Alternative Proteins grown in biological reactors fed by Carbon neutral Hydrogen and Oxygen.
The Alternative Proteins which are used in the form of food flour for making bread have very strong nutritional and environmental benefits.

1stNativ is your partner to propose assistance for Alternative proteins production as it can create opportunities for the food and agriculture system to meet environmental and social needs in new ways. A transition to alternative proteins would decrease agriculture’s environmental impact, particularly its greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint.
All food value chain players can consider their product strategy and participation in alternative proteins market. The velocity of cost reduction and quality improvements are increasing rapidly along with consumer awareness and adoption.