Off Take & Brokerage of
Green Ammonia
Carbon free Ammonia
A 2021 International Energy Agency report forecasts that to hit zero emissions by 2050, hydrogen-based fuels (including ammonia) should account for nearly 30 percent of transport fuels by 2050, up from basically zero today.
However, there is no structured market pricing for green Ammonia as a commodity such as natural gas or oil.
1ST NATIV is dedicated to the international brokerage of carbon-free ammonia through dealing long-term agreements to secure the supply chain of carbon-free ammonia from producers to consumers.
1st NATIV is dealing contracts for the off-take and sale of carbon-free ammonia, thanks to a constant watch and analysis of the customers ‘demand on one hand and the study and proposal of relevant solutions on the other hand, to provide consumers with the best solution and price in mobility, energy, industry, chemistry.
From Producer to Consumer
The Emergence of a Green Ammonia Energy Market
1st NATIV is the only service provider to facilitate the access to the production and supply of carbon-free ammonia by proposing brokerage services to consumers in energy, industry and mobility market to meet their needs on long term agreements.
As a broker for green ammonia, 1st NATIV is assisting the consumers to stay away from market volatility and keep their business model in safe side.
1ST NATIV is the only company that is dedicated to the international off-take of carbon-free ammonia through dealing long-term agreements with producers to secure the supply chain of carbon-free ammonia from producers to consumers.
Off-take agreements by 1stNATIV ensure the producers:
to sell their production and support the bankability of their business model.
While consumers benefit from:
A reliable supply guarantee for their industrial applications and processes based on carbon-free ammonia and hydrogen
A competitive price for the mobility, energy, industry, and chemistry with certificates of green origin.

Through connections with logistician carriers specialized in shipment,
1st NATIV facilitates the logistical delivery from producers to end-users.
1st NATIV is assisting industrial and energy companies in proposing innovative solutions and products, based on a proven expertize in green ammonia. 1st Nativ also organizes, in a B-to-B mode, commercial relationships to decarbonize all the energy systems and applications using fossil energy like coal, natural gas and to stabilize renewable energy in the grids. Being in permanent contact with industrial producers of carbon-free ammonia, 1st Nativ is able to optimize technical and industrial process to take the next step to a carbon-free based production.